Favorite Games Of 2013: Round 2!

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday! I know I sure did. But you are here for the remaining five of my ten favorite games of 2013. So let’s get to it and check out the rest of what this amazing year brought us!

The Songbird Wreaks Havoc

The Songbird Wreaks Havoc

Bioshock Infinite

Irrational Games returned to the Bioshock universe, but this time it was up in the clouds instead of under the sea.  Playing as Booker DeWitt, you traverse the floating city of Columbia in a search for an mysterious girl named Elizabeth.  As the story unfolds however, the true nature of Elizabeth is made clear and it all leads to a finale that is one of the most intriguing ever presented in a game. Containing spot-on shooting mechanics,  incredible “vigor” powers and lush, stylish visuals, Bioshock Infinite was one of the biggest titles of this year and it certainly lived up to its impressive pedigree.  The sensational Songbird sequences are among my favorite video game moments of 2013, but the whole journey of Bioshock Infinite is a a compelling and thought-provoking adventure that is well-worth checking out!

Trevor Against A Possessed Armor

Trevor Against A Possessed Armor

Castlevania- Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate

The first Castlevania game for the new generation of gaming handhelds is indeed a great one. Exploring a massive castle and fighting hordes of creatures all to reach Dracula himself is a thrilling experience. Developed by MercurySteam, the studio behind the previous Lords of Shadow title, Mirror of Fate has cool, fresh takes on classic video game heroes Trevor Belmont and Simon Belmont.  Within the Lords of Shadow universe, the tale of the Belmont clan is a most tragic one, and this in-between chapter for the upcoming Lords of Shadow 2 was an excellent way to set-up for Gabriel Belmont’s final stand.  Played from a side-scrolling perspective, Mirror of Fate retains of all the impressive combat maneuvers from the previous Castlevania title, creating a game that feels both like the older games in the series while still having the new elements of the franchise. In addition to the fun gameplay, Mirror of Fate has some fantastic pieces of music and some remarkable visuals for the 3DS platform. I’ve played through all three acts of this game multiple times and each play-through has been very exciting, so if you have a 3DS and are craving a great action-adventure game, definitely give Mirror of Fate a gander!

Lara Becomes A Survivor On Yamatai

Lara Becomes A Survivor On Yamatai

Tomb Raider

I will admit that when this origin story first launched, I was worried that it was becoming too much of a cover-based shooter and was abandoning the things that made the previous Tomb Raider games so enjoyable. Thankfully, when I was finally able to play the game my fears were put to rest as I experienced the intense first adventure of Lara Croft.  Shipwrecked on the ancient island of Yamatai, Lara Croft and her band of fellow archeologists struggle to survive against the dangers of the island both natural and super-natural. Lara’s trial by fire is a very engaging tale and developer Crystal Dynamics did a superb job at balancing the gun-play, platforming and puzzle-solving.  A new progression system is introduced in Tomb Raider, and it fits really well within the game’s environment.  Building Lara into a stronger character who more suits your play-style is quite fun. Tomb Raider is an excellent starting point for anyone who is interested in the series as this is undeniably the very beginning of Lara Croft transforming into the adventure-loving woman we all know. Here’s hoping that Lara’s next adventure is just as stunning as her first!

A Party Of Heroes Battles The Red Dragon

A Party Of Heroes Battles The Red Dragon

Dragon’s Crown

Dragon’s Crown is a game I was most eager to play from the moment it was announced. A beat-em-up RPG mix with breath-taking artwork by VanillaWare? What’s not to love? Truly though, Dragon’s Crown is a brilliant game for anyone who loves the side-scrolling beat-em-ups of old, as this title is pretty much a love-letter to that genre. Like those same games, Dragon’s Crown is at its best when it is played with other people. Up to four people may join up for co-op play both online and on the couch.  Playing as all the different character types is good fun, and the RPG mechanics add even more to the gameplay making questing through the kingdom of Hydeland a good ol’ time! While the gameplay of Dragon’s Crown is great, it is the visuals that are the real star. Beautiful hand-drawn art by the VanillaWare staff is animated perfectly and the game is just a sheer delight to look at while you play. Boasting marvelous visuals and lively co-op gameplay, Dragon’s Crown is one of favorites of the year, and in my opinion one of best games from VanillaWare.

Fantastic Adventure Awaits Under The Black Flag!

Fantastic Adventure Awaits Under The Black Flag!

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Although I haven’t completed the entire game, the sheer fun-factor of Assassin’s Creed IV has catapulted it’s way onto my favorites list.  The Assassins Creed franchise has been among my favorites series this past console generation with the high-light for me being Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood.  Black Flag however, completely sets a new bar for the series. Sailing the seas of the Caribbean hasn’t been this fun since the last installment of Sid Meier’s Pirates! The ongoing story of the Assassins versus the Templars is still here, and the pirate theme is a cool new setting for the series. Whether it is raiding enemy ships on the high-seas, exploring uncharted isles or sneaking through the cities of the Caribbean, there is tons to do in this game and you are sure to have a blast while doing it all.  Since the series started doing annual releases, I was a tad worried that franchise fatigue would overcome Assassin’s Creed, but if Black Flag is any indication there are some great things in store for the series that helped kick off the previous console generation.  Regardless of whether you are playing it on the current or new consoles, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is a whale of time!

So there you have it. These are my ten favorite games of 2013. There are many more that I had the pleasure of playing that didn’t quite make it here, and a few I haven’t been able to play yet but I’m positive I will enjoy.  Are there any games on here that you enjoyed as well? Or is there a game on here that you feel I missed and should check out? Either way, I thank you for taking time to check out my ten favorites of the year! See you in 2014!

This entry was posted in Action-Adventure Games, Action-Adventure Games, Adventure Games, Downloadable Content, Favorite Five, Fighting Games, First Person Shooters, Platformers, Role Playing Games, Third-Person Shooters, Unlimited Continues Site News, Video Games and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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